
8(812) 458-44-00

Daily, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Container testing

Our company manufactures and sells different types of containers. To guarantee high quality of the offered products, their basic characteristics are checked.

Containers are tested in the laboratory certified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Tests are conducted in conformity with technical requirements stated in GOST R 51876­2008 (ISO 1496­ 1:1990). The standard defines internal and external dimensions, as well as gross weight of containers. GOST R 51876­2008 contains basic requirements to units, elements and optional equipment of container construction.

Container testing includes a variety of procedures:

  • Stacking test permits to check the ability of containers to withstand loads created by the upper loaded containers under any conditions.
  • Lifting from the four top and bottom corner fittings permits to make sure that containers are able to withstand loads when being handled.
  • Longitudinal and lateral rigidity test is carried out as well. This test permits to determine resistance of container construction to longitudinal and lateral contractions at different dynamic loads.
  • Side and end wall strength test permits to check the ability of these construction elements to endure a static load arising under pressure of a freight being transported by rail or by sea.
  • Floor and base strength test is necessary to determine the ability of these elements to withstand dynamic loads during shipment; roof strength test is conducted with personnel inside the container.
  • Lifting from the base at grappler arm positions can be carried out at the Client’s request, lifting from fork-lift pockets can be carried out only on several types of containers.
  • Waterproofness test permits to guarantee safety of the freight under the conditions of increased humidity.